9415 S Western Ave
Suite 240
Chicago, IL 60643
P: 773.366.3096
P: 773.374.6100
F: 773.374.6110
Shannon Lane, DJJ Director
Ken Lewis, Street Outreach Director
Danha Ocampo, CHA Director
Whitney Stanley, Director
Christopher Sutton, CTC Director
Lisa Watts, DFSS Scan Director
Jasclyn Coney, Director
Youth Advocate Programs (YAP), Inc., is a duly registered non-profit currently in contract with the Chicago Public Schools providing a variety of youth services to the school district’s students and their families.
To track student data, YAP utilizes the services of Netsmart, the Kansas-based company that develops and sells health information technology, including for electronic health records and health information exchanges, for organizations and entities in the behavioral health, human services, and post-acute care markets.
In addition to YAP’s internal privacy policy, this partnership with Netsmart allows YAP to continue its decades-long commitment to data security of YAP staff and client/family information. As such, YAP data is maintained under Netsmart’s stringent security measures, which are detailed in its SOC 2® Type 2 Report – SOC for Service Organizations: Trust Services Criteria, Plexus Cloud Solution. The report is available for request by emailing dev@yapinc.org.