Vida Cotidiana 3 (Daily Life 3)
NAME: Keten
AGE: 18
HOMETOWN: Maringá, Paraná Brasil
NARRATIVE: A marmita de sábado passado que eu consegui em Mandaguari trabalhando, eu meu irmão, namorado e meu amigo. A marmita veio bem regada e gostosa. (The lunchbox last Saturday that I got while working in Mandaguari and shared with my brother, boyfriend and my friend. The lunch was beautifully prepared and delicious.)
Rio Ivaí (Ivaí River)
NAME: Lucas
AGE: 24
HOMETOWN: Ivaiporã, Paraná Brasil
NARRATIVE: …passeio na ponte próxima a cidade ao voltar do trabalho… (…walk on the bridge near the city when returning from work…)
Parque Infantil (Playground)
NAME: Lucas
AGE: 24
HOMETOWN: Ivaiporã, Paraná Brasil
NARRATIVE: O colorido sem cor, sem a alegria das crianças, sem a cor do verbo brincar. (The colorless color: without the children's joy, without the color of their verbal play.)
NAME: Artista Jaqueline
AGE: 19
HOMETOWN: Jardim Alegre - Paraná Brasil
NARRATIVE: Nesta simples imagem estão presentes eu e meu pai numa caminhada em uma tarde ensolarada, ambos utilizando as máscaras, agora necessárias para cuidado e preservação de um bem comum. As ruas bem como fica explícito quando se bate o olho na imagem, estão em processo de pavimentação, deste modo a poeira é demasiada, no entanto não impedem que haja beleza e essência aos olhos de quem as vê, as cores se misturam, a poeira sobe, a gente caminha e nesse caminhar alimenta uma esperança, ainda pequena mas de que tudo é processo, tudo é ciclo! (In this simple image my father and I are on a walk on a sunny afternoon, both wearing masks, now necessary for the care and preservation of a common good. The streets, as well as drawing the eye when you look at the image, are in the process of being paved, so the dust can be overwhelming, however they do not prevent beauty and essence from being seen by the eyes, the colors mix, the dust it goes up, we walk and in that walk it feeds a hope, still small but that everything is a process, everything is a cycle!)
NAME: Julia Borchardt
AGE: 20
HOMETOWN: Marechal Cândido Rondon, Paraná Brasil
NARRATIVE: Eu e minha cachorrinha, a Meg. Meu pai tirou esta foto pois eu estava estudando depois de ter voltado da farmácia, mas acho que me acostumei tanto a usar a máscara que nem notei que estava usando-a mesmo dentro de casa. A máscara virou um item obrigatório e do cotidiano, estranho quando alguém está sem ela. (Me and my dog, Meg. My father took this photo because I was studying after returning from the pharmacy, but I think I got so used to wearing the mask that I didn't even notice I was wearing it at home. The mask became a mandatory and everyday item, strange when someone is without it.)
NAME: Julia Borchardt
AGE: 20
HOMETOWN: Marechal Cândido Rondon, Paraná Brasil
NARRATIVE: Dia que fui com meus pais passear em um riozinho na minha cidade, tentamos "fugir" um pouco dos cenários que estávamos vendo diariamente à várias semanas já, por conta da pandemia. Foi bom ter contato com cores, sensações e ambientes diferentes. (The day I went with my parents to go for a stroll in a small river in my city, we tried to "escape" a little of the scenarios that we were seeing daily for several weeks already, because of the pandemic. It was good to have contact with different colors, sensations and environments.)
NAME: Julia Khoroshilov
AGE: 23
HOMETOWN: Brooklyn, NY
NAME: Julia Khoroshilov
AGE: 23
HOMETOWN: Brooklyn, NY
NAME: Julia Khoroshilov
AGE: 23
HOMETOWN: Brooklyn, NY
NAME: Julia Khoroshilov
AGE: 23
HOMETOWN: Brooklyn, NY
NAME: Julia Khoroshilov
AGE: 23
HOMETOWN: Brooklyn, NY
NAME: Julia Khoroshilov
AGE: 23
HOMETOWN: Brooklyn, NY
Vida Cotidiana 2 (Daily Life 2)
NAME: Keten
AGE: 18
HOMETOWN: Maringá, Paraná Brasil
NARRATIVE: Eu e meu amigo Wellington na Hora do almoço (Me and my friend Wellington at lunch)
NAME: Julia Borchardt
AGE: 20
HOMETOWN: Marechal Cândido Rondon, Paraná Brasil
NARRATIVE: Dia que fui com meus pais passear em um riozinho na minha cidade, tentamos "fugir" um pouco dos cenários que estávamos vendo diariamente à várias semanas já, por conta da pandemia. Foi bom ter contato com cores, sensações e ambientes diferentes. (The day I went with my parents to go for a stroll in a small river in my city, we tried to "escape" a little of the scenarios that we were seeing daily for several weeks already, because of the pandemic. It was good to have contact with different colors, sensations and environments.)
Catedral (Cathedral)
NAME: Keten
AGE: 18
HOMETOWN: Maringá, Paraná Brasil
NARRATIVE: com o namorado (with my boyfriend)
Primeiro Dia No Emprego Durante a Quarentena (First Day at Work During the Quarantine)
NAME: Keten
AGE: 18
HOMETOWN: Maringá, Paraná Brasil
Fachada (Facade)
NAME: Artista/Artist
AGE: 17
HOMETOWN: Zona 18, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
NAME: Javier Pérez
HOMETOWN: Zona 18, Ciudad de Guatemala Guatemala
NARRATIVE: Listo para acción, entrega los viveres (Ready for action, delivering groceries)
NAME: Jaume Vilasís Pamos
AGE: 22
HOMETOWN: Barcelona, Catalunya España
NARRATIVE: Inspired by my love Emma García
NAME: Jaume Vilasís Pamos
AGE: 22
HOMETOWN: Barcelona, Catalunya España
NARRATIVE: Inspired by my love Emma García
NAME: Jaume Vilasís Pamos
AGE: 22
HOMETOWN: Barcelona, Catalunya España
NARRATIVE: Inspired by my love Emma García
NAME: Jaume Vilasís Pamos
AGE: 22
HOMETOWN: Barcelona, Catalunya España
NARRATIVE: Inspired by my love Emma García
NAME: Jonatan De La Cruz , Maribel Galindo
AGE: 22
HOMETOWN: Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
FLORES (Flowers)
NAME: Carlos Galindo
AGE: 17
HOMETOWN: Ciudad de Guatemala Guatemala
NARRATIVE: La naturaleza en su máximo esplendor, con amor todo florece. (Nature at her best, with love everything flourishes)
El RECREO (Recess)
NAME: Carlos Galindo
AGE: 17
HOMETOWN: Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
EL HOGAR EQIVOCADO (The Mistaken Home)
NAME: María José Morales Cortez
AGE: 16
HOMETOWN: el Paraíso II, Ciudad de Guatemala Guatemala
NARRATIVE: Siempre debemos respetar a la madre tierra porqué ella se impondrá. Entre dos lugares poblados saturados con casas, hay una montaña con mucha vegetación de por medió y una planta de mi hogar quería estar ahí también. (We must always respect mother earth because she will prevail. Between two highly populated places, saturated with houses, there is a verdant mountain in the middle and a plant from my home wanting to be there, too.)
NAME: María José Morales Cortez
AGE: 16
HOMETOWN: el Paraíso II, Ciudad de Guatemala Guatemala
NARRATIVE: Con Siembra Bien recorrimos varios lugares en la comunidad de Paraíso II, la cuarenta y la Línea, hacer diferente trabajo y también, entregando víveres. Algo que capto mucho nuestra atención fue este puente llamado «La línea» Bajo este puente hay un río de aguas negras un río llenó de basura clandestina, esperamos pronto poder limpiar este lugar y en Guatemala lamentablemente no es el único rio así. Para nosotros, los jóvenes, queremos luchar por un cambio para nuestra Guatemala. With Siembra Bien we went to various places in the Paraiso II community, the 40 and The Line, doing different tasks and also delivering groceries. (Something that really caught our attention was this bridge called "The Line." Under this bridge there is a river of sewage, a river clogged with hidden garbage, we hope to be able to clean this place soon and in Guatemala, unfortunately, it is not the only river that is contaminated. For us young people, we want to fight for a change for our Guatemala.)
NAME: Brandon Esquivel
AGE: 23
HOMETOWN: Ciudad de Guatemala Guatemala
NARRATIVE: PARA LA PERSONA QUE VEA ESTO TE DIGO QUE: " todos tenemos talentos ocultos, solo debemos buscarlos, el tiempo o la situación donde te encuentras va hacer que aparezcan, yo ya encontré los míos…dibujar es uno de ellos" (FOR THE PERSON WHO SEES THIS I TELL YOU THAT: "We all have hidden talents, we just have to look for them, the time or the situation where you find yourself will make them appear, I already found mine…drawing is one of them")
Principito e El Zorro (The Little Prince & the Fox)
NAME: Javier Pérez
AGE: 19
HOMETOWN: Ciudad de Guatemala Guatemala
NARRATIVE: LA LECCION SOBRE EL AMOR Y LA AMISTAD: Es un cuento Guatemalteco antiguo para los niños y adolescents, basado en valores y principios. El capítulo referente al encuentro entre el Principito y el Zorro forma parte de los más largos de la obra. En esta parte encierra enseñanzas que constituyen tesoros de una riqueza inapreciable. En él, entre otras cosas, aparecen las grandes lecciones sobre el amor y la amistad verdadera. (A Lesson About Love and Friendship: This drawing is inspired by an ancient Guatemalan tale intended for children and adolescents to teach values and principles. This chapter refers to the meeting between The Little Prince and The Fox and comprises one of the longest parts of the story. This part contains teachings that constitute priceless treasures. In it, among other things, appear great lessons about love and true friendship. )
La Chica Smurf (Smurf Girl)
NAME: Daniel Santos
AGE: 17
HOMETOWN: Zona 18, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
The Wood Burning Totems
NAME: Naomi O'Shaughnessy
HOMETOWN: County Clare, Ireland
Forest Art
NAME: Naomi O'Shaughnessy
HOMETOWN: County Clare, Ireland
Wood Burning
NAME: Naomi O'Shaughnessy
HOMETOWN: County Clare, Ireland
Family Hand Portrait
NAME: Niamh Carolan
HOMETOWN: Dublin, Ireland
The Leaf Art
NAME: Daliah Kildandaht
HOMETOWN: Dublin, Ireland
Once Upon a Time
NAME: Ernest Frazier II
AGE: 19
HOMETOWN: Harrisburg, PA
Material Used: Acrylic Paints
NARRATIVE: "The Limited Paint challenge, is a challenge in which I must paint a piece using ONLY the paints I had left. I COULDN'T buy any new paint to finish the piece. I chose this name because the picture unintentionally became its own story entirely, and I couldn't really think of a name that would satisfy everything within said piece. In short, this title acts as an activity for the viewers. I have stories about this character and scene, but I'd love to hear other people's take on this piece."
Night of the Laughing Face (Royale Edition)
NAME: Ernest Frazier II
AGE: 19
HOMETOWN: Harrisburg, PA
Material Used: Varied brand permanent markers
NARRATIVE: "This was a piece that ever since senior year of high school, I always wanted to make. Sadly at the time, it proved to be easier said than done. Regardless, in this piece, I essentially did a self-portrait of myself fused with Joker/Two-Face elements. Here's something, and I blame the red suit jacket for this one, but am I the only one that also sees Michael Jackson from his Thriller music video? U can be the judge on that one."
Left Behind
NAME: Artista/Artist
HOMETOWN: Zona 18, Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
LA SONRISA QUE CAMBIO TODO (The Smile That Changed Everything)
NAME: Maribel Galindo
AGE: 22
HOMETOWN: Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
CAMBIA TU DIA (Change Your Day)
NAME: Jonatan De La Cruz , Maribel Galindo
AGE: 22
HOMETOWN: Ciudad de Guatemala, Guatemala
Leila Ali
West Long Branch, New Jersey United States
SLYAP believes in the power of education especially early education and education for young girls. Education for girls will empower them to go further as they aspire to become change agents and take control of their destiny.
Alpha aspires to be the Minister of Education. Alpha wants to help his country through education and understands it is an important step in making positive changes. Alpha’s first step as the Minister of Education would be to implement libraries in local schools so children can have the opportunity to read. Go Alpha!
Ibrahim, a high school student, wants to be a bank manager. Ibrahim shared his thoughts about the current economic state of his community and his country. Ibrahim feels inspired to continue his education so that he can help raise the economy of his country.
Future nurses of Sierra Leone
These strong and passionate young women expressed their motivation to study hard and become nurses. They want to learn the best ways to treat their families and their communities. Nurses are playing a great role in supporting doctors at the forefront of the Covid-19 pandemic in Sierra Leone.
Although the UN defines youth as 10-24 years old, SLYAP Director Ajara Bomah asked that we make an exception and include photos from Leila Ali (age 26) from the United States who was a YAP intern in Sierra Leone just before the pandemic broke and travel was still possible. Leila captured images of youths dreaming big in Sierra Leone. Here are the images and the aspirations and dreams in the beautiful minds they contain.
This Is My 2020: International Youth Day Stories from the YAP Community
Black Lives Matter
NAME: Naomi O'Shaughnessy
HOMETOWN: County Clare, Ireland
The Deer
NAME: Conor Myles
HOMETOWN: County Monaghan, Ireland
The Otter
NAME: Michael Marray
HOMETOWN: County Monaghan, Ireland
Thank you
To those who helped gather the photos for the collection, our partners for their daily labors with young people and most of all to the young people who shared their art, perspectives and enduring resilience in a year like no other.
AGE: 18
HOMETOWN: Sydney, NSW Australia
Ngurambang (country)
AGE: 18
HOMETOWN: Sydney, NSW Australia
NARRATIVE: This artwork named Ngurambang (meaning country) represents the history of Australia always has and always will be Aboriginal land”.
AGE: 18
HOMETOWN: Sydney, NSW Australia
NARRATIVE: This painting represents my experience after my baby boy was born.
Wurrumany Son
AGE: 18
HOMETOWN: Sydney, NSW Australia
NARRATIVE: This painting represents me carrying my son. I sold this painting the same night I completed it.
AGE: 18
HOMETOWN: Sydney, NSW Australia
NARRATIVE: I created this artwork in my first trimester. I sold this from my Instagram page within 2 weeks
Sulay Kargbo
COVID Paused the World
NAME: Mohamed Turay
AGE: 19
HOMETOWN: Mile 91, Sierre Leone
NARRATIVE: In Sierra Leone, education stopped for a few months. Recently, schools opened for students who had to take national and regional exams. Meet Mohammed Kamara (13), Zainab Thullah (12) and Sulay Kargbo (13) who sat for their National Primary School Exams which will allow them to go to secondary school when the next school year begins.
Zainab Thullah
My Community Post-2020: Looking Ahead
NAME: Mohamed Turay
AGE: 19
HOMETOWN: Mile 91, Sierre Leone
NAME: Veronika Khnykina
AGE: 21
HOMETOWN: Kyiv, Ukraine
Ready to help
NAME: Veronika Khnykina
AGE: 21
HOMETOWN: Kyiv, Ukraine
Through surreal glasses
NAME: Veronika Khnykina
AGE: 21
HOMETOWN: Kyiv, Ukraine
Camel Bay
NAME: Veronika Khnykina
AGE: 21
HOMETOWN: Kyiv, Ukraine
Empty city
NAME: Veronika Khnykina
AGE: 21
HOMETOWN: Kyiv, Ukraine
Do you feel this threat?
NAME: Veronika Khnykina
AGE: 21
HOMETOWN: Kyiv, Ukraine
Safety in 2020
NAME: Veronika Khnykina
AGE: 21
HOMETOWN: Kyiv, Ukraine
Loneliness and restrictions
NAME: Veronika Khnykina
AGE: 21
HOMETOWN: Kyiv, Ukraine
City in the glass
NAME: Veronika Khnykina
AGE: 21
HOMETOWN: Kyiv, Ukraine
NARRATIVE: Another angle, another point of view.
Another Reality
NAME: Veronika Khnykina
AGE: 21
HOMETOWN: Kyiv, Ukraine
NARRATIVE: For ukrainians quarantine and all restrictions become an another alternative reality. So now, everything around us look like this
AGE: 15
HOMETOWN: Pinellas County, Florida USA
NARRATIVE: During the quarantine, youth builds computers to keep busy.
Natsu "Salamander" Dragneel
NAME: Sky Beineke
AGE: 14
HOMETOWN: Orlando, Florida USA
NARRATIVE: I gave this drawing to Kevin because it’s my favorite character as he has pink hair also and to thank Kevin for working for me.
NAME: Andrew Ziers
AGE: 20
HOMETOWN: Orlando, Florida USA
NARRATIVE: At first glance something may look perfect, but the longer you look at a freeze frame of time, the more you notice the imperfections. Each little detail makes up a memory, whether it’s obscure, forgotten or ignored. It is an oil painting made with oil pastels.
Life under the microscope
NAME: Antonina Pysana
AGE: 11
HOMETOWN: Kyiv, Ukraine
NARRATIVE: I'm keen on painting and art from my early childhood. I hope that in the future I will be a famous painter.
How to be beautiful and creepy at the same time
NAME:Liza Romanets
AGE: 10
HOMETOWN: Kyiv, Ukraine
The menacing world of viruses
NAME: Liza Grebeniuk
AGE: 11
HOMETOWN: Kyiv, Ukraine
NARRATIVE: Coronavirus is dangerous, but not only coronavirus.
It's #CoronaTime
NAME: Yana Visanhirieva
AGE: 11
HOMETOWN: Kyiv Ukraine
Does it look dangerous?
NAME: Olena Bagley
AGE: 10
HOMETOWN: Kyiv Ukraine
Don’t Forget About Other Problems
NAME: Ivan Kuvshynov
AGE: 10
HOMETOWN: Kyiv Ukraine
NAME: Eric B
AGE: 20
HOMETOWN: Albuquerque, New Mexico USA
AGE: 13
HOMETOWN: Franklinville, New Jersey and Woodbury, New Jersey USA
NARRATIVE: I missed not seeing my best friend in person.
There’s a First for Everything
NAME: N Rain
AGE: 15
HOMETOWN: Toms River, New Jersey USA
NARRATIVE: Here’s my first famous artist drawing! Feeling happy, accomplished, fresh
Nothing Gets Better Than Nature Itself
NAME: N Rain
AGE: 15
HOMETOWN: Toms River, New Jersey USA
NARRATIVE: Feeling happy, peaceful, relaxed
1000 Cranes for Peace
NAME: Youth from Gloucester-Salem,New Jersey Youth Advocate Program
AGE: 10-17
HOMETOWN: Gloucester-Salem area of New Jersey USA
NARRATIVE: YAP Advocate Sarah Gross and youth in New Jersey found a way to make telehealth work when Sarah taught them the legend of making 1,000 origami cranes to make one’s wishes come true which then inspired them to make cranes as a symbol of world peace.
NAME: MyAngel.U.DuBose
HOMETOWN: Glassboro, New Jersey USA
NARRATIVE: Quarantine gave me a chance to draw as much as I wanted.
A Moment of Stillness
NAME: Dillon and Kayla Troedsson
AGE: 24
HOMETOWN: Midway, Georgia USA
NARRATIVE: A wedding on the hillside in Kansas where nothing but love & laughter existed
Protecting and Paid
NAME: Darnasia P.
AGE: 16
HOMETOWN: St. Petersburg, Florida USA
NARRATIVE: Ms. Darnasia is keeping herself busy by working hard and still following safety guidelines.
Down Under
NAME: Eric B
AGE: 20
HOMETOWN: Albuquerque, New Mexico USA
NARRATIVE: A city that’s distant yet close
NAME: Eric B
AGE: 20
HOMETOWN: Albuquerque, New Mexico USA
NARRATIVE: Is the same above the same below?
Making Friends During a Pandemic
NAME: Lujan
AGE: 20
HOMETOWN: Arlington, Virginia USA
Painting with a Twist
NAME: Armistead Siblings
HOMETOWN: Fort Worth, Texas USA
NARRATIVE: YAP Advocate Sheila Hicks made good on her promise to take the Armistead sisters to an event called "Painting with a Twist." Even with the event cancelled due to COVID-19, Sheila and art conquered all when Sheila created her own version of the event.
NAME: Destiny Kubiak
AGE: 15
HOMETOWN: Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania USA
NAME: Destiny Kubiak
AGE: 15
HOMETOWN: Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania USA
NAME: Destiny Kubiak
AGE: 15
HOMETOWN: Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania USA
NAME: Destiny Kubiak
AGE: 15
HOMETOWN: Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania USA
NAME: Destiny Kubiak
AGE: 15
HOMETOWN: Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania USA
NAME: Destiny Kubiak
AGE: 15
HOMETOWN: Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania USA
NAME: Destiny Kubiak
AGE: 15
HOMETOWN: Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania USA
NAME: Destiny Kubiak
AGE: 15
HOMETOWN: Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania USA