In addition to our work in the U.S., YAP® supports youth and families globally-- in Sierra Leone and Guatemala through individual donations, fundraisers and weekly contributions from employee payroll deductions. Agency-wide, from individual staff weekly payroll contributions to the Board of Directors, YAP is dedicated to building healthier families and stronger communities. You can be a part of this show of solidarity and support by making an ongoing donation or a one-time gift.
A $50 donation means a young person in Sierra Leone goes to school-yes, a simple $50 pays for the school fees, uniform and supplies for a child for the year. A $100 gift supports the training of a “social mediator” in Guatemala, youth leaders who mobilized during a pandemic to ferry homework from student to teacher, share public health information and show an example of what civic responsibility and local leadership looks like. Make it $250 and you have supported an entire group of social mediators’ training for a week. Or an ongoing donation... there is so much we can do together!
All of the young people the YAP® community works with around the world are facing burdens unique to their community- lack of access to education, community violence, underemployment, hunger, mental health issues, separation from family, and other complex challenges.