1111 E. 87th Street
Suite 200
Chicago, IL 60619
P: 773.374.6100
F: 773.374.6110
Shannon Lane, DJJ Director
Ken Lewis, Street Outreach Director
Danha Ocampo, CHA Director
Whitney Stanley, Director
Christopher Sutton, CTC Director
Lisa Watts, DFSS Scan Director
9415 S Western Ave
Suite 240
Chicago, IL 60643
P: 773.366.3096
Jasclyn Coney, Director
Youth Advocate Programs (YAP), Inc., is a duly registered non-profit currently in contract with the Chicago Public Schools providing a variety of youth services to the school district’s students and their families.
To track student data, YAP utilizes the services of Netsmart, the Kansas-based company that develops and sells health information technology, including for electronic health records and health information exchanges, for organizations and entities in the behavioral health, human services, and post-acute care markets.
In addition to YAP’s internal privacy policy, this partnership with Netsmart allows YAP to continue its decades-long commitment to data security of YAP staff and client/family information. As such, YAP data is maintained under Netsmart’s stringent security measures, which are detailed in its SOC 2® Type 2 Report – SOC for Service Organizations: Trust Services Criteria, Plexus Cloud Solution. The report is available for request by emailing dev@yapinc.org.