Donate to YAP
Youth Advocate Programs (YAP®), Inc. is the leading nonprofit provider of services that reduce the nation’s overreliance on youth incarceration, residential care, and group home foster placements. We partner with public systems to provide community-based wraparound and behavioral health services as an alternative to out-of-home placement and to help make neighborhoods safer.

Our Services

  • Youth
  • Child
  • Behavioral
  • Developmental Disabilities
    and Autism
  • Community
    and School Safety

Our unique, evidence-based individual and family YAPWrap® Youth Justice model is a safer, more effective alternative to care and corrections away from home and gives our Diversion program participants tools that keep them out of the system. Delivered by neighborhood-based Advocates, YAP®’s unique community-based service delivery model empowers participants to see and nurture their strengths and addresses the economic, educational, and emotional needs of them and their families.


YAP®’s individualized Child Welfare services are community-based alternatives to group home placements. Using our strength-based YAPWrap® services approach, we work with youth and their families, guardians and/or fictive kin, focusing on program participants’ safety, permanency, and well-being.


YAP®’s Behavioral Health programs apply principles of our YAPWrap® community-based services model. Receiving referrals from public and behavioral health systems as well directly from Medicaid-eligible families, our mobile services may include in-home and school-based programming, group therapy, youth empowerment services (YES Waiver), or intensive outpatient programming/day treatment.


Applying principles from our YAPWrap® services model, we provide community-based services for children and adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities and autism spectrum disorders. Working with program participants and their families, we develop individualized service plans centered on meaningful decision-making and self-determination.


Combining our YAPWrap® individual and family wraparound services with public health Community Violence Intervention (CVI) approaches and/or therapeutic models, we serve youth and adults at the highest-risk of violence engagement, including gang-affiliated individuals, people returning from incarceration, and those who have recently lost a loved one to gun violence and might be at risk for retaliating.

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Matching Gifts

Double your donation with a corporate matching gift. Contact us with questions.

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Donate by Mail

3899 North Front St.
Harrisburg, PA 17110

Endowment Fund

Support current and former YAP® participants pursuing post-secondary education and training.