Experts to Share How Addressing Vicarious Trauma is Key to Youth Justice Reform - Article Details

Experts to Share How Addressing Vicarious Trauma is Key to Youth Justice Reform

Unlocking compassion fatigue discomfort is the focus of the next installment of a national virtual symposium series on practices that are transforming the youth justice system to one where culturally responsive community-based services replace incarceration and congregate placement. Shawn Ginwright, PhD, Patricia K. Kerig, PhD and Rhonda V. Magee (J.D., M.A. Sociology) will share unique perspectives and provide therapeutic guidance in “On the Road to Unlocked! – Unlocking Worker Well-Being: Transforming Youth Justice from the Inside Out” at noon – 1:30 PM ET, Thursday, March 24.

The On the Road to Unlocked! series, which highlights alternatives to ineffective youth justice approaches that disproportionately harm Black and Brown youth, is presented and sponsored by Youth Advocate Programs (YAP), Inc., a national nonprofit providing community-based alternatives to youth incarceration, congregate placements and neighborhood violence, and The Social Justice Initiative (SJI) of Bryn Mawr College. The series is co-sponsored by National Human Services Assembly (NHSA). 

SJI Founding Director Dr. Darlyne Bailey, Dean Emeritus at the Bryn Mawr Graduate School of Social Work and Social Work and Social Research, will moderate the discussion.

About the Panelists

Shawn Ginwright, PhD is Founder and Chief Executive Officer of Oakland, Calif.-based Flourish Agenda, Inc. and Professor of Education in the Africana Studies Department and a Senior Research Associate at San Francisco State University. Author of The Four Pivots: Reimagining Justice, Reimagining Ourselves, among other titles, Dr. Ginwright is one of the nation’s leading innovators, provocateurs, and thought leaders on African American youth, youth activism, and youth development. His research examines how youth in urban communities navigate through the constraints of poverty and struggle to create equality and justice in their schools and communities.

Patricia K. Kerig, PhD is Professor of Clinical Psychology at the University of Utah and former Co-Director of the Center for Trauma Recovery and Juvenile Justice and Editor in Chief of the Journal of Traumatic Stress. She is an author of more than 200 scholarly works devoted to understanding the factors that predict risk, recovery, and resilience among adults, adolescents, children, and families coping with adversity and traumatic stress. As justice systems become trauma-informed, she has an abiding interest in developing effective strategies to bolster resilience among staff who are exposed to secondary traumatic stress in the context of their work.

Rhonda V. Magee (J.D., M.A. Sociology) is a Professor of Law at the University of San Francisco and author of The Inner Work of Racial Justice: Healing Ourselves and Transforming Our Communities Through Mindfulness.  A globally recognized thought and practice leader focused on integrating mindfulness into higher education, law, and social change work, she draws on law and legal history to weave storytelling, poetry, analysis, and practices into inspiration for changing how we think, act, and live better together in a rapidly changing world. Born in North Carolina in 1967, Dr. Magee experienced a childhood of significant trauma and challenge and has dedicated her life to healing and teaching in ways that support others in a journey to wholeness and justice.

Learn more about the Unlocked! Series and register for the  event at this link.

Note: This event is co-sponsored by Bryn Mawr College Graduate School of Social Work and Social Research (GSSWSR) for a maximum of 1.5 credit hours. Bryn Mawr College GSSWSR, as a CSWE accredited School of Social Work, is a pre-approved provider of continuing education for Social Workers, professional counselors, and marriage and family therapists in Pennsylvania and many other states.


Media/Press Inquiries

Ryanne Persinger,
National Communications Director

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