YAP Tarrant County TX Highlighted in Positive Youth Justice Series - Article Details

YAP Tarrant County TX Highlighted in Positive Youth Justice Series

The Chronicle of Social Change released its latest installment in a series on Positive Youth Justice highlighting YAP's program in Tarrant County, Texas.

"(Cockerell) attended a staff meeting where a YAP advocate described a horrific home situation for one of his kids to the program directors: no running water, relatives with multiple convictions living in the home, a sister already in foster care. The advocate recommended pushing the county to remove the child from the home. 'The consensus of the staff was, instead, let’s get his whole family out of that house,' Cockerell said. 'By the time I left the next day, they had found affordable housing for the boy, his mom and siblings.'"


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Ryanne Persinger,
National Communications Director

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