Juvenile Justice Advocates Point to YAP as Model for Community-Based Alternatives to Incarceration - Article Details

Juvenile Justice Advocates Point to YAP as Model for Community-Based Alternatives to Incarceration

This article, published by the Juvenile Justice Information Exchange, discusses the Obama administration's budget request for the "Smart on Juvenile Justice" initiative.  It states that juvenile justice advocates (like this blog post by Liz Ryan), point to Youth Advocate Programs, Inc. as a model for community-based alternatives to incarceration.  

Shaena Fazal, YAP's Policy Director, stated “To be smart on juvenile justice, we must invest in supporting and empowering communities to build a robust continuum of care for young people with complex needs,” she said. “Right now, the dollars communities need to build this continuum are tied up in youth prison cells and residential centers.”


Media/Press Inquiries

Ryanne Persinger,
National Communications Director

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