YAP Leaders to Present at Maine Justice Summit - Article Details

YAP Leaders to Present at Maine Justice Summit

Two YAP leaders will join other juvenile justice experts from across the nation at a Juvenile Justice summit in Portland, ME on November 17, 2017.  Shaena Fazal, National Director for Public Policy and Communications and Jason Wilson, Director of Employee and Program Development will team up with Deborah Hodges, former Lucas County OH Court Administrator in a plenary presentation at the summit.  

"Imagine a New Future" is hosted by the Justice Policy Program at the University of Southern Maine and the Maine Center for Juvenile Policy & Law.  The day long gathering for juvenile justice leaders, stakeholders and service providers will focus on improving youth justice in Maine and developing innovative, community-based alternatives and supports for  youth involved with the justice system. 


Media/Press Inquiries

Ryanne Persinger,
National Communications Director

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