Policy and Advocacy - YAP News

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In the National Juvenile Justice Network's (NJJN) snapshot on probation, YAP is named as a "Promising Practice" for its approach for working with youth in the juvenile justice system.  Read NJJN's sna...
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"While the overall rate of incarceration of all youth has decreased by 55% since 1997, the rate of incarceration of youth of color continues to rise, marking an alarming pattern."A report by the Burns...
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No Throwaway Kids

Youth Justice, Policy and Advocacy | | View Counts (3856) |
In this Huffington Post blog, Shaena Fazal, YAP National Policy Director, urges politicians and the public to stop treating youth in conflict with the law like throwaway kids by confining them.  She p...
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Nine national juvenile justice organizations developed a policy platform for juvenile justice reform and shared it with all Presidential candidates. Please CLICK HERE to read more.February 23, 2016De...
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Media/Press Inquiries

Ryanne Persinger
National Communications Director

Kelly D. Williams
Chief Marketing and Communications Officer

YAP Blog

A story content provider about families, advocates and program practitioners on the front lines of the youth justice, child welfare and social services systems reform movement.

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