Press Release - YAP News

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Alice’s Kids and Youth Advocate Programs (YAP), Inc., and have teamed up to ensure that youth receiving rehabilitative and other community-based services as an alternative to incarceration or co...
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Youth Advocate Programs (YAP), Inc. has invited longtime community volunteer and activist Derrick Battie to serve as a consultant with the nonprofit’s Dallas Cred team. Dallas Cred is the result...
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The prevalence of violence, physical abuse, neglect, loss, and other traumatic events experienced by justice systems-involved youth is the focus of a national web event on Oct. 21, noon-1:30 pm ET. Ac...
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Campbell is a native Baltimorean and experienced financier
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Media/Press Inquiries

Ryanne Persinger
National Communications Director

Kelly D. Williams
Chief Marketing and Communications Officer

YAP Blog

A story content provider about families, advocates and program practitioners on the front lines of the youth justice, child welfare and social services systems reform movement.

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