YAP News

YAP News


YAP wishes a very happy retirement to Jim Holtry, one of our great Lebanon County PA partners and champion of community-based care, after nearly 40 years of service to youth and families. Since Septem...
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Philly YAP Youth Attend "Keep Youth Free!" Art Exhibit

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Philadelphia YAP participants attended last night’s “Keep Youth Free!” Opening Reception at the Center for Architecture and Design. The event was hosted by First Degree Consulting, V...
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The Gettysburg Eagle Riders Roll and Rock for Autism continues to bring donations to Adams County Youth Advocate Programs (YAP), Inc. The organization expects with matching funds, donations from the M...
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Washington, DC (May 21, 2019) — Tearra Walker looks forward to Saturdays; not because it’s a day off, but because it’s a day when she is very much on. It’s when she combines her unique and coura...
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Media/Press Inquiries

Ryanne Persinger
National Communications Director

Kelly D. Williams
Chief Marketing and Communications Officer

YAP Blog

A story content provider about families, advocates and program practitioners on the front lines of the youth justice, child welfare and social services systems reform movement.

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