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Using Technology to Build Relationships

ID/DD/ASD | | View Counts (2192) |
by Kimberlee Pederson and Courtney Reimann During the past year, the YAP office in Crawford County, PA has had the unique opportunity to support a Chinese American family and their daughter Jing ...
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A Fresh Start

ID/DD/ASD | | View Counts (3283) |
by Leah Vuich and Courtney ReimannAida Cuebas, a young woman from Mercer County, PA, is finishing her first year at Butler County Community College. Aida’s long-term goal is to become an Assista...
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In an effort to spread understanding of Youth Advocate Programs (YAP), Inc.’s global mission, Jessica Viscuso and Robert McNamara took center stage this week in a Monmouth University classr...
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Eighteen-year-old Heaven and Erika Jackson, her Chicago Youth Advocate Programs (YAP), Inc. Advocate-mentor, are proof that solutions to gun violence exist. Their faces and voices are among those in t...
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Media/Press Inquiries

Ryanne Persinger
National Communications Director

Kelly D. Williams
Chief Marketing and Communications Officer

YAP Blog

A story content provider about families, advocates and program practitioners on the front lines of the youth justice, child welfare and social services systems reform movement.

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