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Raise the Age

| View Counts (4492) |
New York and North Carolina currently treat youth as young as 16 as adults within their legal systems. Both states have an opportunity to positively impact thousands of young lives by treating youth 1...
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Chicago's struggling Englewood and West Englewood neighborhoods have been home to the Chicago Youth Advocate Program for many years. Gang activity, violence, poverty and traumatic stress are among...
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Pittverse Writer Interviews State Representative

ID/DD/ASD | | View Counts (4514) |
Michael, a participant of YAP's Adult Autism Program in Allegheny County, PA and writer for the Pittverse Magazine recently interviewed State Representative Dan Miller.
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Lebanon PA YAP Partners to Create Murals for City

| View Counts (5256) |
Youth from YAP's program in Lebanon County, PA are partnering with a local community arts program to create murals for their city.   READ MORE
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Media/Press Inquiries

Ryanne Persinger
National Communications Director

Kelly D. Williams
Chief Marketing and Communications Officer

YAP Blog

A story content provider about families, advocates and program practitioners on the front lines of the youth justice, child welfare and social services systems reform movement.

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