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NJ Youth Set Sail

| View Counts (8670) |
“Has anyone gone ever been sailing before?”The skipper aboard the A. J. Meerwald, an 85 ton schooner currently docked at the Liberty State Park in Jersey City, asked this question to a gro...
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YAP Youth Competes in Street Soccer World Cup

International | | View Counts (6802) |
Ellana Watson, Philadelphia YAP Graduate, represented YAP in Sao Paulo, Brazil at "Mundial Futebol de Rua/Street Soccer World Cup" this month. Young people from over 20 countries participate...
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YAP Presents at Alabama 2014 MEGA Conference

| View Counts (5121) |
YAP presented on truancy interventions at the 2014 MEGA Conference hosted by the Alabama Department of Education in Mobile, Alabama on July 14th - 18th.  In Alabama, 20% (150,000) youth who begin high...
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Ryanne Persinger
National Communications Director

Kelly D. Williams
Chief Marketing and Communications Officer

YAP Blog

A story content provider about families, advocates and program practitioners on the front lines of the youth justice, child welfare and social services systems reform movement.

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