Who We Are

Youth Advocate Programs— YAP® for short— is a national nonprofit delivering and advocating for evidence-based services in homes and communities as a more effective alternative to youth incarceration and group child welfare, behavioral health, and intellectual disabilities placements. We also partner with public safety systems to help curb neighborhood violence.

YAP® recognizes generational and structural impacts on educational, employment, health, and other systems across the U.S. and globally. 

By redirecting justice, child welfare, behavioral health, and other social services dollars and resources from youth prisons and other residential facilities to communities where our program participants live, we are helping our systems partners achieve better service delivery and outcomes, which are strengthened with our evidence-based individual and family wraparound services model.


We hire neighborhood-based Advocates and mobile behavioral health professionals, which helps to keep local dollars and resources in the communities we serve. YAP Advocates are skilled in engaging youth and families. They meet program participants and their parents and guardians where they are and provide them with tools to lead and direct their individual and family service plans.

Implementing service plans led by the program participant and family and what they identify as their needs, hopes and interests, frontline YAP® staff connect those we serve with tools that empower them to learn new skills and introduce them to people and places that provide meaningful supports in their community. YAP® Advocates, for example, identify local businesses where young people can gain work experience (at no cost to the business). YAP® staff also connect program participants with other nonprofits and local businesses where young people and their parents and guardians can access educational, workforce and other training, along with basic needs resources, that are fundamental to strengthening program participants’ family foundation.

YAP®’s work is built on a foundation of research demonstrating that people do better throughout life when they have support where they live, work, learn and play.

Having access to positive relationships, spaces, opportunities, and services empowers individuals and families, which makes communities safe, healthier and more vibrant.


YAP®’s mission is to deliver and advocate for safe and effective community-based alternatives to residential care and incarceration that empower individuals, families, and neighborhoods to thrive.



What We Believe

We Believe

the needs of individuals and families - even those with complex needs - can safely and most effectively be met within a home and community setting.

We Believe

every individual possesses strengths, potential, interests and talents that make them unique and can be nurtured and shared.

We Believe

we all need access to safe places and positive connections in our communities to fully develop our strengths and realize our potential.

We Believe

partnering with individuals and families to identify their needs and preferences preserves dignity and improves outcomes.

We Believe

investing in community-based programming is a more effecctive, cost-effective, and responsible alternative to out-of-home placements.

We Believe

that we must partner with communities and systems leaders to deliver more effective alternatives to incarceration, congregate placement, and neighborhood violence.


Our History

Camp Hill Prison
YAP®'s Start
In 1975, Pennsylvania enacted the removal of 400 youth from the Camp Hill state prison. To meet the needs of some of those young people and help return them to the Central Pennsylvania community, Tom Jeffers created a community-based individual and famiily services program called Youth Advocate Programs.
YAP office
Founded and Incorporated
November 1975
Youth Advocate Programs, Inc. is founded and incorporated on November 3rd, 1975.
Child Welfare
First Child Welfare Program
Eager for the opportunity to help keep kids and families together, YAP® opens its first Child Welfare program in Pennsylvania.
Supported Work
The Birth of Supported Work
YAP® Supported Work, a hallmark intervention for our youth justice participants, is introduced to develop job skills and positive work habits through transitional job experience that may lead to long-term employment.
YAP® Map
YAP® Expands to Other States
The first program outside of Pennsylvania opens in 1978 in Camden, NJ. Today YAP® has programs in over half the country.
New Jersey
NJ Bring Our Children Home Act
YAP® partners with NJ leaders to bring about statewide system change by helping to author the "Bring Our Children Home Act," mandating the return of children and youth in out-of-home placements. YAP® introduces its wraparound/Advocate model, provides training and works directly with young people and their families to bring 1,400 kids back to NJ.
YAP®'s international work begins in Guatemala, supporting Carlos Toledo, founder of the National Movement for Street Children. The Movement provides outreach to the nation's most oppressed and forgotten population and provides shelter care and job placements. Over the years, YAP® has worked with 15+ countries to provide training and consultation, professional and youth exchanges, and sister agency support.
Behavioral Health
Behavioral Health, ASD and I/DD Expansion
Between 1995 and 1999, YAP® sees exponential growth in its behavioral health, autism and intellectual/developmental disability services.
With Founder's Retirement, Leadership Restructuring
In 2003, founder Tom Jeffers retires, appointing Jeff Fleischer as YAP® CEO and implementing the first external board of directors.
Youth Endowment Fund
In 2004, YAP® establishes the Youth Endowment Fund to provide scholarships to YAP® youth and caregivers who are pursuing post-secondary education and vocational training.
COA Accreditation
August 2009
YAP® receives recognition for complying with the nationally recognized standards of best practice at all levels of the organization set forth by the Council on Accreditation, the accrediting body for behavioral healthcare and human service organizations.
Policy and Advocacy Center
January 2012
YAP® launches the Policy and Advocacy Center to further promote policies and influence systems change that creates or invests greater resources in families and communities and reduces reliance on institutionalization.
Safely Home Campaign
Safely Home Campaign
YAP® joins The Safely Home Campaign, a nationwide movement to safely care for youth and young adults in their home communities and with their families by reducing and preventing unnecessary out-of-home placements and creating safer, more supportive communities.
Services Expand to Public Safety
YAP® expands services continuum to include violence prevention and interruption services known as Community-Based Safety Initiatives to help communities address neighborhood-based public safety needs.
Jeff Fleischer
CEO Jeff Fleischer Retires
YAP's longtime CEO Jeff Fleischer has retires after working at the national nonprofit for the last 38 years, 20 at the helm. Through his leadership, he was able to help advance community-based alternatives to youth incarceration and congregate placement and led YAP® to scale our model nationally and globally.
Gary Ivory
Gary Ivory Named President and CEO
In line with YAP’s succession plan, after serving as YAP President and Interim CEO since November 2021, Gary Ivory takes the baton from Jeff Fleischer, saying in a news release, “I am extremely honored to continue the legacy of YAP’s founder Tom Jeffers and Jeff, who served as my mentor, paving the way for me to lead the agency.” Ivory said.