YAP Virginia

About Advocacy

In-home and community-based Advocacy Services for youth and families focus on the reunification or prevention of out-of-home placement. Advocacy services provide mentoring, parent coaching, case coordination, supervision, independent living skills training, facilitating linkages to natural supports and/or other services as indicated by the child-family team. Services include telehealth and in-person engagement, as well as consultation with community service providers.

Parent Support Services

YAP provides Family Support Services for families who have a child in foster care, are at risk of having a child removed from their home, or experiencing parenting challenges. YAP engages with the child's family using a strength based approach and coaching whilst strengthening the family’s ability to have a healthy dynamic. We will also involve a foster family and/or other team members/natural supports, as appropriate, in plan development and implementation.

Specialized Treatment and Resources Support

  • STARS is a program designed to provide Specialized Treatment and Resource Support to local, DSS approved foster homes.
  • STARS families receive additional training and support to meet the needs of children with intensive emotional, behavioral, and/or medical needs.
  • Individualized strengths-based treatment planning and implementation to each child and specialized family.
  • Intensive training for the STARS Families prior to placements.
  • Clinical staff and 24-hour on-call crisis support


Behavioral Health

Since our first Behavioral Health program in York, Pennsylvania in 1996, YAP has offered families with children experiencing mental health related difficulties a community-based program of care that demonstrates a unique ability to adhere to government regulation while providing family-friendly services.

YAP contracts with county mental health systems, Managed Care Organizations (MCO’s), and private insurers to provide both fee for service and case rate Medicaid services.

In addition to providing quality services to children and youth with various mental health challenges, YAP specializes in working with individuals with autism spectrum disorders, cross-system youth, and youth who have experienced trauma.

Outpatient Services

Individual and Family Counseling in our office, in the home, or via telehealth for children, adolescents, and adults to address mental health needs, substance use, and overall wellness. This service is funded through Virginia Medicaid. Our licensed and licensed-eligible providers o fer specializations in trauma focused-cognitive behavioral therapy (TF-CBT), personality disorders, and play therapy.

Intensive In-Home Counseling

YAP provides Intensive In-Home Counseling to work with children and their families who are at risk of an out-of-home placement or are returning to the community after a psychiatric hospitalization, treatment foster care placement, or residential treatment. YAP works to build upon the existing strengths of the child and family; develop the young person and family’s skills in self-managing areas of need; and connect the family to professional and informal resources in their community that provide support beyond program involvement.

Casey Life Skills

Life skills aims to guide youth toward developing healthy, productive lives. The focus of services in to address daily living and self-care activities, maintaining healthy relationships, work and study habits, using community resources, money management, computer literacy and online safety, civic engagement, navigating the child welfare system, and other identified life skills. 

Truancy Intervention Services

Truancy Intervention Services is dedicated to working with at-risk youth of all ages struggling with truancy issues. The program incorporates interventions to increase student engagement at school and improve learning, with a wraparound advocacy approach. It is designed to assist participants and families develop good attendance habits to enhance their potential for success in school, and to improve key areas of functioning relative to truancy: Morning Accountability, Parental Engagement, Academic Support, and Community Engagement.


Megan Doyle, Director
(540) 342-1261

3807 Brandon Ave SW, Suite 1115
Roanoke, VA 24018


Latasha Saul, LPC, NCC   Clinical Director
(540) 342-1261

3807 Brandon Ave SW, Suite 1115
Roanoke, VA 24018